Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kartini's Day 2010

Hellow, bloggers!!

i havent made a post yet for a long enough time ya, maybe hehe. and now.. im gonna tell you about my 23 - 4 - 2010. yap, I celebrated Kartini's born day or Kartini's day or yaaa what ever. Jadi waktu itu guru gue milih gue buat jadi wakil kelas, buat ikutan lomba Kartini berpasangan, or something like fashion show gitu. Jadi mau gak mau ya gue ikut. and of course, mau gak mau, gue didandanin jadii kartini.

gue sempet males, kondenya itu loooh yang bakal ribet. apalagi kalo lomba2 gitu kan make up nya harus tebel. i hate erasing make up for sure. tapi ya, hmmm, gimana dong?

hari itu, gue pake baju jawa beludru, kayak baju nikahan gitu. kata temen gue, kebetulan tahun lalu yang menang, bajunya kayak gitu. and guess whatttt, baju yang gue pake tuh tebel banget, kayak jas gitu jadinya, Balikpapan yang panas ditambah pake jas? can you imagine?

tapi alhamdulillahnya, I won the contest loh hehehe ;)
i was the first winner. and actually, itu pengalaman pertama gue. and thank God.

and these are the photos
kata Dea, gue kayak geisha disini -_-
tebak gua yang mana hahaha apadeh
and this is the catwalking part awaw love it